Thursday, February 15, 2024


Jack, here is my ideas for Zaccheus he has quite a back story. He is the chief tax collector of Jericho  that overtaxed people. He owns the town. Jesus preaches to him and basically speaks his life. It's the abide lesson. With the parable of the one denari. Gives him idea. He is rich there and basically ends up owning the town of Jericho. 

He become slimy but generous. keeps to himself shattered at what he done, overtaxing and ruling over the town at the gate and by investments where he hangs out at his booth. He hosts a banquet and no one shows up. He hosts it again, no one show up. He repents. He is desperate to gain his reputation back. The last time he is pruning and praying for the banquet. He is a pruner that is starving trying to make enough extra money to pay back what he overtaxed, he plans a banquet after he repents by Jesus's abide Making extra money for he wants to repent of his over taxation. Jesus curses the fig tree because it won't make fruit after he wants to repent. You can do a expo. "Pruning vines for grapes is different than pruning fig tree which can be scratchy and hard to live with in these times." "Some branches go to the light the wrong way and weigh down the branches they are supported by rub other branches and cause diseases for the tree by dead branches." When Jesus says he is the way the truth the light.Have Matthew say I want to be the way the truth and the light say I don't think it works that way. Then have God say get behind me Satan. Something like that.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Write a post

Here is my Word word word
Look to the heavens hear the cry of the earth. It's groaning will soon come to end as earth melds with earth. We are coming to a new day where we reach many great things. Hear the word of the Lord and follow it. Be as children are to faith. Believe just to believe, have faith.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Alien witness groups

I want to start a trend where people witness to aliens the gospel. If they have any type of witness to them, they may carry back on Earth as it is in Heaven to create life in their culture. Save whole worlds for Jesus, that way many are saved.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Algoritum Rights

I think that facebook has too much power. I think we should have the military control the algoritum. With elected official moderating protecting people's freedom and consitutional rights. The states need to control the social networks. It is better that way for the people that run it.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Rumors about being a supreme court judge.

I want to help the world make good decisions. I heard from the media that world leaders want me to lead the world in the supreme Court or  high in power in the country. I want to help lead how I can. Since I still need to pass some requirements. I will start how I can giving my opinion on emphasis, balance of powers constitutional rights and antitrust cases. As I am not sworn in or passed the bar I need just give things from that point of view. However I want it to be more. I will do my best. If any people malign my proceedings, the federal government may see mere edits and hacking my blog people or blog as fineable or even punishable to prison time.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Freedoms of work

So many laws forbid any religious environment to exist between employees and customers. Many call this secular thought. It is actually a religion of secular humanism. It can be called a religion of non-belief. What it is slavery to your workplace. What they want is no deterrant to their workplace's metrics.It is supposed to be neutral place where work is done is what is said. I lived with this at workplaces before. It shouldn't be emphasized as a place freedom of religion gives hold to grace in the place of rights. Rights are not given to a company to keep while working. Rights are unalienable and permanent. Artistics overall is agreed upon between staff. If she wasn't in charge of art and wording to her superior, this is like speaking in tongues to some people. You dealing with the world and getting world's verdict. You must expect people to behave like that when they don't know better. Everyone's rights are suppressed in the workplace. There is a level of submission we all have to play to have order. Order is work ethically. Did you create disorder or help or subdue works with control. It is more a body decision that you decide a work culture together. An institution of work needs to follow an infinite reason. Following wise aspects to reason that works over and over is what should be regulated. If something doesn't work for a body of people to decide the culture's response to something regard rights it should work demographically otherwise God is positioning you for something. If everyone gets to decide artistic freedom with the full spirit of work. Was it work to put or say such things?
Was it edifying to your work those you served with your work? We must live in a way to stay at work and edify wisely. Now if you don't understand your work with God are you being wise enough to follow infinite reason. Artistic freedom needs to be work related if your at work. If work gives you time to freely talk you can use that time edify the body however you choose. This is the best economic and freedom decision. I talked to my boss about secular humanism effecting the culture one time we must be fairer that to make people see they have rights at work. We can edify with no judgement and dig to the root of our problems. Prostylitation should considered an amoral thing in a court of law, it can be good or bad depending how it is done. I would use business reasoning to justify any cause at work on work time. Personal reasons should be done in a personal spirit. Personal things are allowed in the culture during personal time. Including time allowed for personal things this includes types of prostylitation. This is how I would rule in the supreme court.